
Profile photo

I am a lifelong Jesus follower.

After I graduated from the University of Oregon in 2002 with a degree in Political Science, I went straight to work for People for the the Ethical Treatment of Animals in Norfolk, Virginia.

Working at PETA was amazing. I even loved the really hard bits. I developed the curriculum and blueprint for planning and executing regional activist conferences and the empathy training PETA provided for Michael Vick when he was arrested for dogfighting; I managed campaign coordinators working on grassroots education and targeted corporate campaigns and provided them with basic media training; assisted in the development and launch of multiple grassroots campaigns, including the controversial “Animal Liberation Project;” served on the steering committee of the first “Taking Action for Animals” national conference; and managed a bunch of different random departments.

In addition to my work with PETA, I worked at and volunteered for an after-school children’s program for an underserved community in Norfolk, served in multiple capacities at First Presbyterian Church of Norfolk, and learned how to manage my time wisely.

Eventually, God yelled at me loudly enough and at just the right time when I happened to not be distracted): “Go to seminary!” So, to combine my faith with my passion for advocacy on behalf of the oppressed and marginalized, I enrolled in Palmer Seminary and obtained an MTS with a concentration in Christian Faith and Public Policy.

Now I’m working at Eastern University as the deputy director of the Sider Center and helping to head up a project called CreatureKind, which engages the church on animal protection issues, with a focus on farmed animal welfare.

I live in Philadelphia with my family and a small menagerie of companion animals.

My husband and I are covenant members of Circle of Hope.

Spay and neuter your pets.

Thank you.

8 thoughts on “bio

  1. I read in an article in the Huffington Post that PETA kills nearly all of the animals you take in without attempting to have them be adopted.

    Is that true?

    Could you tell me how many animals you kill and how many you save who get adopted to good homes?

    As a Christian and a long-time PETA supporter, I really need to know.

  2. Dear Sarah,

    I knew that this blog is not associated with PETA, but I searched for a long time, and was unable to find a way to contact you through the PETA website.

    I was hoping that you would be able to direct me, and I am very grateful that you did.

    I read the article, and I can see that the issue of kill rates is very complex, and so I am prayerfully pondering it all.

    Thank you for your help!

    Linda Fay Sampson

  3. Thank you for calling for the Duggar family to apologize for their mistreatment of their cat.
    Anyone who is familiar with IBLP, the cult to which the Duggars have been with for decades (, would not be surprised at the cruel treatment of their cat and the laughter at him almost getting run over. Their cult teaches that it is dangerous to love pets too much, as it could cause you to make them into an idol. Please read:

    I would encourage you to investigate the teachings of this organization on pets. There are many former members on Recovering Grace who could share with you about these teachings. The Duggars not only are members there, but they are keynote speakers are the seminars.

  4. Sarah,
    Thanks so much for the follow! I’m happy to see what’s happening for you right now. I’d love to hear more about your writing. Is your blog chiefly about that now? Just wondering.

  5. Thank you (I think) for enlightening a human with long-term interests in you and your well-being. But, always remember there may come a time when you have to hit the bunny. 🙂

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